Inma Aguilera

Inma Aguilera

Inma Aguilera García (Málaga, 1991) has a degree in Journalism from the University of Málaga and XXV Master in RNE from the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a PhD in Education and Social Communication.

Back in her hometown, she joined Luisa Ezquerra's Voiceover and Dubbing School to continue working as a freelance voiceover artist. Fascinated by art and cartoons, from a very early age she won some children's painting, comic and Japanese manga contests. Her literary vocation was born from the union of these hobbies and her time as an audiobook narrator in college. She is currently dedicated to both writing and drawing as well as professional dubbing.

In 2016 she won the XXI Novel Prize Ateneo Joven de Sevilla with the work El aleteo de la mariposa (Algaida, 2016). In 2018 he wins the First Prize of the XX Certamen Jóvenes Creadores de Salamanca in the comic category for ¿Y tú quién eres? In 2020 he received the Special Mention of the VIII Premio Internacional HQÑ de Novela Romántica HarperCollins Ibérica for El ecéntrico señor Dennet (HQÑ, 2020).


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La dama de la Cartuja

El aleteo de la mariposa